So, Jennifer Aniston just launched her new perfume at Harrods this week, and now WWD is reporting Katy Perry has her own scent in the making. The only thing I can think of is WHY?! Do we really want to smell like our favorite celebrities? What makes them qualified to do such a thing either? I mean seriously, at the most you are an actor or musician... or in Paris Hiltons case, just a socialite. Rumors were abound last week of Lady Gaga wanting to launch her own perfume as well. Luckily, they were not true. As much as I love Lady Gaga, we don't need another celebrity scent flooding the market. I'm sure if she did make one though it would certainly be unique and interesting, something that can't be said for a lot of other scents out there.
Boring and unoriginal packaging, no?
On a happy note, I finally got Wode Paint by Boudicca!
It comes in spray paint can and comes out bright blue! After a few minutes of questioning if it will come out of your fancy Helmut Lang poplin dress shirt, it disappears, slowly unveiling its mysterious layers. It is so rich and earthy, filled with notes of raw opium, tuberose, and juniper berry. It really is a gem in the fragrance world; one that is filling up quickly with cheap celebrity perfumes.
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