Saturday, June 11, 2011

Waiting While The World Goes By...

So I've come to the conclusion that I don't take nearly enough pictures documenting my everyday life. Of course, now comes the time that I talk about how I want that to change, and that I will post a picture each day of something I did, and how it gives me the fun task of coming up with original names for pictures... then we wait and see how long I can do it before I get bored and go back to not blogging about anything... or how long I can go lugging around my big ol' camera before my back gives out... whichever comes first... 

Anywho, waiting for the bus to come and take me home at Porte de Saint-Cloud out in the boonies (or the 16th, I prefer boonies) where I was visiting a friend (lucky for them I'm a good friend for traveling all the way out there!). I've come to the conclusion that the metro is just to crowded for my taste, so I've started taking the bus everywhere I go. It's also a much more scenic way to travel around Paris, and you get to know your way around the city really well.

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