Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Plea To You, Dear Readers...

Remember my New Years Resolution numero uno? The search for the perfect sandal? Yeah, that one. Well the sandals of my dreams just appeared on Yoox. Like literally, I dreamed of these sandals many a nights. I love Yoox because they always sell past season items at a reduced price, which means while I can't buy them during the current season, your chance comes around again a couple seasons later. This is usually where I make some comical remark about how I will be accepting donations as a way to make my dreams come true, I wont be. Since these sandals were the reason for Resolution #1, but I never imagined to see them again since like I said they are past season, I am taking more drastic measures. So, ask not what you can do for Erik, ask what Erik can do for you... in exchange for these. Thats right people, I'll seriously sell out any service(s) imaginable for these babies. Need your house painted? I'll do it. Need someone to cook you dinner, run a bath, groom the pets and give the house a thorough cleaning, why not? Need a kidney or lung? I'm here for ya! Not your blood type? Then I'll hunt down someone that is! Seriously no request is too much for these. My heart skips a beat to the point that I could use medical attention just looking at these. So please, look into your hearts, and wallets, and find something, anything, that I can do for you. My year, and life is not complete without these. 

Black   Silver  Links so you can see them in all their glory.

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