Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 27...

A picture of me last year and now, and how I have changed since then. Also, a song I wish I could play.

Then and now. 

Well I'm still dramatic in front of the camera, that certainly hasn't changed... the sparkling lycra leggings have been retired though. I don't want to go too in depth about how I have changed in the past year, because it is safe to say that a lot has happened in my life.  I will say though that I'm actively pursing my dreams and loving every minute of it.

Rachmaninoff - Six Moment Musicaux Op. 16 No. 4

It should come as no surprise by now that I love Romantic period piano music. It is the only type that I play. Even my piano teacher used to complain that I wouldn't branch out into other periods of music, and she slowly started to introduce me to early 20th century classical like Bartók and Prokofiev, which I now have quite the liking for.  Anyways, Rachmaninoff is the composer I admire the most, and his Six Moment Musicaux is a set of music that I would love to learn someday.

 I usually keep my copy of Six Moment Musicaux out on my piano to taunt me into learning it... Also, it looks impressive to visitors because of all the notes. "That's a lot of black" is what most people say, which is quite true. This is just the first page, and the first 20 seconds of the recording, it has the most white space of the entire song. I have No. 4 down, just not nearly to the tempo that it needs to be at. When I play this one, it is more of an adagio than presto. One day. 

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